C.P.Gregory & Associates |
Fire Investigation Services |

Jim Munday
Formerly with the Metropolitan Police Forensic Science Laboratory, Jim now operates an international fire and explosion investigation consultancy based in NSW, Australia.
"Like many forensic scientists, I was initially very sceptical about the potentially for using canines as detector instruments for ignitable liquids. This scepticism largely evaporated the first time I worked with one of the canine/handler teams at a fire scene in South London and I rapidly became a supporter of their involvement.
Working closely with Clive Gregory and Star over the last 8 years or so in live training situations in the UK, and with Phil Etienne and Ellie at numerous fire scenes in NSW has reinforced my opinion that a well-trained and re-tested canine/handler team is a major asset in fire investigation.
I would strongly suggest that anyone who doubts the efficiency and accuracy of these dogs should contact Clive for a demonstration. I would also refer them to the recent PhD research carried out by Sonia Casamento at the University of Technology, Sydney which showed that the canine team studied was by far the most sensitive, most accurate and quickest of all currently available and immediately foreseeable methods of screening fire scenes and other locations for ignitable liquid traces."
Jim Munday - December 2006