C.P.Gregory & Associates |
Fire Investigation Services |

Company History
Clive and his faithful partner for life “Star” were the first Fire Investigation dog team in the United Kingdom and became fully operational with the West Midlands Fire Service in September 1996.
Clive was tasked by the then Chief Fire Officer - now the Chief HMI Sir Graham Meldrum to integrate “Star” into his existing fire investigation department. This was successfully achieved and the principle of accelerant detection by search dog was thereby established in the United Kingdom.
Clive was a specialist investigator with the Fire Research and Investigation department for 12 years of his 31 years with the Fire Service and investigated in excess of one thousand fire scenes including many involving the loss of human life, serious burn injuries, commercial and domestic arson and murder by fire.
Having gained considerable experience Clive became a guest lecturer at the Fire Service College and also lectured at numerous Universities and Institutions.
Clive and “Star” pioneered the use of accelerant detector dogs into the UK fire services often facing great scepticism and serious opposition. Despite this resistance in the early years the use of dogs became a recognised and accepted resource in the investigation of suspicious fire scenes.
In 1997 Clive organised the first ever working seminar promotion the use of Accelerant Detector Dogs within the Fire Service. Entitled “Fire Investigation Dogs – The Way Ahead” the seminar comprised lectures and demonstrations concerning sponsorship, training, forensic issues and practical application. The seminar attracted delegates from Fire Authorities and interested parties from across the UK and was highly successful in promoting the roll of the Fire Investigation Dog.
Clive assisted senior Fire Brigade officers in the research, selection and implementation of Fire Investigation Dog teams in Tyne and Wear Metropolitan Fire Brigade
During this work with numerous Fire Investigation Dog projects Clive embarked upon a course of instruction with Karenswood (International) Ltd. a world provider of search dog resources based in Hopwood near Birmingham. Clive subsequently qualified as a trainer and examiner of Fire Investigation Dog Teams.
In 1998 Clive Gregory, Alan Sims of Karenswood (International) Ltd and Dr. David Osgood established formal Licensing and Certification of Fire Dog teams at The Fire Service College Moreton in Marsh. A methodology for assessment was devised, implemented and modified over the succeeding years. Dr Osgood and Alan Sims were to take no further part in the process, the administration subsequently passing to Divisional Officer Pat Cox to organise on behalf of the College. Clive became the Examiner of UK Fire Dog Teams at the College, a position he held alone from 1998 – 2005. Clive maintains a position of examiner, advisor and consultant to the College and conducts lectures demonstrations and practical scene examinations on the Fire Investigation courses.
In 2003 Clive trained Matt Jones and “Sam” the first Fire Investigation Dog Team for South Wales Fire Service. Sam had been originally trained to detect explosives and was destined for the minefields of the Middle East – a prospect he not entirely relish. When he was introduced to his new handler and trained to examine fire scenes he became a very motivated K9 indeed!! Matt Jones proved to be an absolute “natural” when it came to dog search work and the team qualified with honours to become a highly effective unit in South Wales.
In March 2005 Clive trained the first Fire Investigation Dog Team for Switzerland. Emre Ertan, a forensic officer and “Dusty” work for the Police Cantanal Neuchatel Switzerland. Emre and “Dusty” work across the French speaking provinces of Switzerland and have proven to be extremely successful in the location of ignitable liquid substances used as accelerants at suspicious fire scenes.
During the summer of 2005 Clive was in consultation with senior officers from London Fire Brigade with regard to the future of their Fire Dog capability. Clive had advised on the original London project and had appeared before the London Fire Brigade Fire Committee to conduct a demonstration and support the case for such dogs. This procedure was filmed and broadcast on the “London Today” and “London Tonight” television programmes in March 2000. In 2005 the management team had elected for a search dog task force of four Fire Investigation officers to be trained with four accelerant detector dogs with the intention of achieving 24 hour search dog capability for London Fire Brigade.
In August 2005 Clive trained Mat Rosendale & “Sapphire” and Mick Boyle & “Roscoe”. Both teams are highly motivated and already enjoying early success.
Save Arnold & Sam and Nigel Goldsmith & Jet were trained January - February 2006 and completed the London Fire Brigade dog/handler team. This team comprises of the largest investigation K9 caopability anywhere outside the USA.
During the summer of 2009 Clive trained Graham Howlett and Saxon for Hampshire Fire & Rescue Service. The team joined the Arson Task Force and is based at Alton Fire Station Hampshire.