C.P.Gregory & Associates |
Fire Investigation Services |
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June 2024

“Rocky” with senior executives on the Sedgwick stand at the AIRMIC Annual Conference, Edinburgh International Conference Centre, Edinburgh, June 2024
November 2022

Darren Woodhams & Smokey Graduated in November 2022.
Following the premature retirement and re-homing of Darren’s fire investigation dog Watson on medical grounds, Darren re – trained with Smokey a female working Cocker Spaniel.
Darren and Smokey certificated at the Fire Service College in November 2022 and the team continue their work with the London Fire Brigade Fire Investigation Team
10th November 2021

“Rocky”completed training and was Certificated with Clive at the Fire Service College on 10 November 2021
4th May 2021

Fire investigation search dog “Rocky” begins training
Rocky is an 8 month old Cocker Spaniel and has started work with his owner/ trainer Clive Gregory
Rocky has working stock breeding and his dad is a fully qualified USAR search dog.
Rocky is full of energy and is learning fast. He will soon be supporting senior search dog “Gunner” but at the moment he is undergoing a comprehensive accelerant detection training programme.
24th October 2020

Darren Woodhams & Watson of the London Fire Brigade graduated in July 2020 after undergoing extensive training with C P Gregory & Associates.
Darren is a full time member of the LFB Fire Investigation department. His Springer Spaniel Watson was donated as a puppy by the Metropolitan Police and is now Daren’s devoted working partner.
Good luck to the team in their new role – they deserve every success for the hard work undertaken.
25th July 2020

Julie Sykes & Jack and Martyn Bolt & Jet – Congratulations to you both on your annual certification in July 2020
25th July 2020
Congratulations to Mark Smith (Cornwall Fire & Rescue) with his fire investigation dogs Archie and Woody who successfully completed their annual certification at the Fire Service College in July 2020.

25th July 2020

Successful day for the London Fire Brigade at the Fire Service College in July 2020 as their three Fire Investigation Dog/Handler teams were put through their paces to qualify for their annual certificates of competence.
Pictured left to right – Fire Investigation Officers – Anton Keach & Simba, Paul Osborne & Sherlock and new team, Darren Woodhams & Watson.
February 2019

Martyn Bolt & Jet completed their training with Clive Gregory on 1st February 2019.
Martyn is a Station Manager and head of Fire Investigation with Avon Fire & Rescue Service. Jet is a five year old Black Labrador and a superb accelerant detector dog. Together this team will greatly strengthen Avon Fire Brigades efficiency in investigating fires within their region and beyond to assist neighbouring fire authorities.February 2019
Certification at the Fire Service College
With Stuart Holder (assessor)

Martyn Bolt & Jet (first certification) - Avon Fire & Rescue
Paul Osborne & Sherlock (annual certification) - London Fire Brigade
Mark Smith & Archie (annual certification) - Cornwall Fire & Rescue
Congratulations to all teams!
11th February 2019
Avon Fire & Rescue Service welcomes investigation recruit
Avon Fire & Rescue Service welcomes its newest four-legged recruit with a nose for sniffing out the causes of fires – Jet the fire dog.
Click here for full articleJanuary 2019

Frank is Julie’s second working Cocker Spaniel and the team graduated after completed their training course in January 2019.
For more info see Graduates section.
10th October 2018
Advancement/Development training 8-10 October 2018
The three days training course comprised a comprehensive range of challenging searches and exercises designed to maintain and enhance the operational efficiency of the London Fire Brigade Fire Investigation search dog teams.
Vacant houses, commercial and industrial structures provided the primary search exercises and this was followed with “real fire” scene scenarios for realistic training in fire debris. The boundaries were extended to include the searching of large open areas of grassland/woodland including roadways and tracks. Working with safety in mind search lines and harnesses were deployed with good results. A full range of accelerant substances were used from full strength spillages to extremely low levels achieved by age and weathering.
The teams slept well after busy days and highly successful searches.
Well done and thanks for all your hard work!

Paul Osborne & Sherlock and Anton Keach & Simba from the London Fire Brigade undergoing fire scene training with Clive Gregory at C P Gregory & Associates
11th May 2018

Congratulations to Anton Keach and his English Springer Spaniel dog Simba after completed their initial training course with Clive Gregory at C P Gregory Associates during April 2018.
The newly qualified team now strengthen the London Fire Brigade Fire Investigation department following the retirement of Fire Officer Mick Boyle with his dogs Roscoe and Murphy
Good luck to Anton & Simba who are based at Dowgate Fire station in central London.
17 March 2018

Exciting News!
Major publisher launching new book about Paul Osborne and Sherlock - London Fire Brigade Fire Investigation Department.
The book tells the story from when Paul and Sherlock first met in 2013 having attended an intensive Fire Investigation Dog/Handler Training course run by Clive.
Four years later, their outstanding work in Fire Investigation and public relations has been recognised by a prominent author and the book is due for release in May 2018.
Paul and Sherlock were first trained by Clive in 2013 (See Graduates Page) and have recently completed their annual certification at the Fire Service college in Moreton on Marsh.
17 March 2018

Paul Osborne & Sherlock (London Fire Brigade) with Mark Smith & Archie (Cornwall Fire & Rescue) annual Certification March 2018 at the Fire Service College Moreton in Marsh.
26 February 2018
Clive has started work training London Fire Brigades latest Fire Investigation Dog/Handler Team – Anton Keach & Simba.
Clive Sourced 13 month old Springer Spaniel Simba from working champion breeding stock and after a short assessment confirmed that he had all the essential qualities to become a first rate accelerant detector search dog.
Anton Keach is an experienced Fire Investigator and a member of the London Fire Brigades Fire Investigation Department. Anton has already established a strong bond with his new partner and training progress has been very encouraging.
More news to follow soon...

18 February 2018
Station Commander Tim Richmond & Reggie – Northern Ireland Fire & Rescue Service - Fire Investigation Dog/handler team.
In February 2018 Clive joined Tim Richmond & Reggie in Northern Ireland where Clive put the team through a comprehensive refresher/advancement training programme in order to enhance their K9 fire investigation search skills. Tim Richmond & Reggie are now fully operational, on call to any fire investigation requiring search work for the location of accelerant substances.
Photographs taken outside Lisnaskea Fire Station – Northern Ireland – February 2018

09 August 2017

Congratulations to Mark Smith and his cocker spaniel Woody and Julie Sykes and her cocker spaniel Jack at their Certification at the Fire Service College in August 2017.
This was the first certification for Woody who joins Mark and his senior search dog Archie strengthening the Fire Investigation department in Cornwall Fire & Rescue Service.
For Julie and Jack this was their third annual certification and they continue their good work with JMS Accelerant Search providing accelerant detection, fire education and demonstrations.
Good luck to both teams - their hard work and dedication being reflected in their successful navigation of the challenging certification process.
06 July 2017
Mick Boyle with his dogs Murphy & Roscoe with Paul Osborne and his dog Sherlock – undergoing fire scene advancement training with trainer Clive Gregory during July 2017.

16th November 2016

Congratulations to Peter Croucher & Penny and Mat Dixon & Kai who were successful in their Certification at the Fire Service College on 16 November 2016.
This was the first Certification for Peter and his Cocker Spaniel Penny. The team had trained hard for this event and performed extremely well over all disciplines in order to achieve their valued qualification. The team is based in East Sussex.
For Mat Dixon and his Malinois Kai, this was their second Certification. Mat is an experienced handler and has previously qualified with his original dog Ellie, a Springador followed by his Pointer Peppa Mat maintains his operational continuity with Kai and the team is based in the West Midlands.
Good luck to both teams in their future work.
18th October 2016

London Fire Brigade at the House of Lords 18 October 2016.
Roscoe wins "animal of the year award" and ceremony takes place on 18 October 2016 at The House of Lords.
Michael Boyle (Fire Investigator/dog handler) & Roscoe receive prestige award - with Charlie Pugsley - head of LFB Fire Investigation, Deputy Assistant Commissioner Andy Heam, IFAW director Philip Mansbridge, Baroness Gale and Bill Oddie.
7th September 2016

HRH the Prince of Wales meets Paul Osborne & Sherlock at the re opening of Shadwell fire station during the 150th anniversary celebration of the London Fire Brigade.
01 April 2016

New Recruit – Cocker Spaniel “Woody”
I am pleased to announce that “Woody” an 11 month old male Cocker Spaniel has joined the world of fire investigation and will be training with Mark Smith of Cornwall Fire & Rescue in the near future.
Woody is from working championship stock with an impressive pedigree with many field trials champions in his line. More importantly he appears to have all the attributes required if an accelerant detector dog plus a very pleasing temperament. We wish Woody a happy and successful career.
29 January 2016
Certification at the Fire Service College on 29 January 2016
Mark and Jane are congratulated on being successful in their first certification with their new dogs.
Paul Osborne & Sherlock are recorded as delivering an "excellent performance" at their successful 3rd annual certification and were further described as having "developed into one of the best partnerships I have witnessed" by the examiner Stuart Holder.

5th September 2015

Jane Armer & Sydney have successfully completed their training course and received their qualification from Clive Gregory
16th August 2015

Mark Smith & “Archie” with Peter Croucher & “Penny” have now successfully concluded their basic training programme.
Both teams are now equipped with the skills necessary to expand and develop into their working roles after training in the most realistic environments available in the UK.
The next stage is formal certification at the Fire Service College and both teams will be supported with a programme of maintenance and advancement training.
14th December 2014

Mark Smith & Archie and Peter Croucher & Penny begin training
Report - We have made an excellent start with the teams. Both dogs are already searching with confidence and enthusiasm.
Accelerant odour recognition has been achieved using tried and tested training techniques based on play praise and reward. The teams have been engaged in searching a wide variety of exercises designed to stimulate their enthusiasm and develop endurance.
Both dogs are delivering basic none - intrusive passive alerts which is very encouraging at this stage. Now it is time for a well-deserved rest and we are all looking forward to resuming training in the New Year.
22nd October 2014

Congratulations to Tim Richmond & Reggie (left) and Mick Boyle & Murphy (right) who were Certificated at the Fire Service College on the 22nd October 2014.
Tim Richmond is an officer with the Northern Ireland Fire & Rescue Service and Mick Boyle is an investigator with the London Fire Brigade Fire Investigation department.
Clive Gregory has continued his policy of selecting search dog puppies from championship field trials stock and has been extremely impressed with the finished result accomplished with the two excellent Cocker Spaniels - Reggie and Murphy. Good luck to both teams and thanks for all your hard work required to achieve success.
9th September 2014

Two new Cocker Spaniel puppies have been sourced and assessed for training in the very near future.
Litter brother and sister Archie and Penny are from a long line of field trials champions and have impeccable credentials.
Both pups at 18 weeks are full of energy, curiosity and mischief - just what is needed for future harnessing into practical search work. At the moment they are just enjoying life as playful puppies - but soon it will be time to start work and as training is based on "play and praise" they should be in for brilliant time.
13th August 2014
Congratulations to Julie!
Julie Sykes and Jack were certificated at The Fire Service College on 13 August 2014
10th May 2014
Tim Richmond and Reggie graduated in May 2014 and will be based in Belfast to reinforce fire investigation in the Northern Ireland Fire & Rescue Service
20th April 2014
Julie is ex Derbyshire Fire & Rescue Service and Jack is a 12 month old Cocker Spaniel from championship field trials stock
8th April 2014

Brother's in training!
Clive with the two new recruits Jack and Reggie
10th January 2014

Two New Teams are Certificated at the Fire Service College
On Friday 10th January 2014 Paul Osborne & Sherlock of London Fire Brigade Fire Investigation Department and Chris Sutton & Jet from Avon Fire Service were formally Certificated at the Fire Service College Moreton in Marsh Gloucestershire.
Their Certification (licensing) was awarded after undergoing a comprehensive assessment involving practical search exercises and accelerant detection. Certification was achieved at the conclusion of intensive training with C P Gregory & Associates Ltd.
Good luck in your future careers – Clive Gregory MBIPDT
25th November 2013

Dave Arnold & Sam hang up their paw boots after working together since their graduation in 2006.
Fire Investigator Dave Arnold has enjoyed considerable success with Sam working for London Fire Authority from the Fire Investigation HQ at Dowgate. Good luck to Dave with his challenging new career change and a long & happy retirement to Sam.
22nd November 2013
Paul Osborne & Sherlock graduated on the 22 November 2013 following Paul's exhaustive selection process and an intense training course for the team
15th November 2013
Chris Sutton & Jet of Avon Fire & Rescue Service graduated on 15 November 2013 at our fire training facility in Essex
16th August 2013
Duncan and Billy have graduated and are based in lockerbie Scotland.
27th November 2012

Two new puppies join London Fire Brigade and begin preliminary training.
Murphy and Sherlock are both Cocker Spaniels sourced from championship working trials stock.
They have been allocated to their experienced detector dog handlers Michael Boyle and David Arnold who are specialist Fire Investigators based in the capital.
Formal training begins in the New Year but until then its strictly fun and games.
1st July 2009

Gunner joins the team - Gunner is a male Springerdor born in Cornwall in October 2009.
When Clive received the news that Nelson the Cornwall Fire and Rescue Service fire dog had sired a litter of puppies he was keen to obtain the offspring of such a capable search dog. Clive had previously sourced Nelson from a top breeder/trainer of Springer Spaniel gundogs after a long but fruitful search. Along with his handler Mark Smith, Clive trained the team during the summer of 2009 and was extremely impressed with the results.
Following his qualification Nelson seized the initiative and got together with Marks Black Labrador gundog producing a litter of highly promising Springador puppies. Clive waited patiently for the potential to develop in Gunner and harnessed his abundance of enthusiasm before the commencement of formal training.
Gunner is now fully qualified and works alongside his constant companion Trooper.